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Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 12 » State administrator stop service Yaremchanskogo municipality
State administrator stop service Yaremchanskogo municipality

State administrator stop service Yaremchanskogo municipality

Mikhalchuk Love Iosifovna

Telephone - 0343422530

Leisure center works:

daily from 8.00 am to 17.15 pm.

(Except weekends and holidays)

Friday from 8.00 am to 16.00 pm.

Lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00.


Incoming packets, issuing permits, taking local businesses licensing authorities is:

Thursdays from 8.00 am to 17.15 pm.

The sequence of the procedure of issuing permits under the permissive Yaremchanskogo Center Executive Committee


1. Entity (Applicant) for permits shall submit to the State Administrator of documents:

- Statement by the approved form;

- Excerpt from a state registry;

- Documents confirming payment for issuing permits to a fixed law;

- Documents required for issuing permits required by law, which regulates the relations connected with its production.

2. State Administrator registers the application forms and permits a task that on the day of application or the next day transmits to the appropriate licensing agencies.

3. The local permitting agencies within five working days from receipt of the administrator incoming packet (unless otherwise provided by law) make decisions about granting or refusal of permits and submit within two working days of such decision the Government documents.

4. State Administrator the next business day after receipt of the permit shall notify the applicant of a place and time of issuing permits.


receiving entities
representatives of local permitting authorities
at the permit center g.Yaremche
City Yaremche Street Liberty, 266
(1 floor), phone 023 422 530

: №

Name the local licensing authority

The name of the permit, which gives (approves) the local licensing authority (according PKMU from 21.05.2009, № 526)

Name them. 'I, patronymic, telephone number, representative of the local licensing authority

Days and hours
representative entities
local licensing authority to stop service


Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control

A permit for construction

According to analysis
Michael G. Phone -023 422 521

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control

Permits for construction works

According to analysis
Michael G. Phone -023 422 521

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15





Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control

Certificate - a document that certifies the conformity of the completed construction project documentation, state building standards, rules and regulations

According to analysis
Michael G. Phone -023 422 521

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremche Sanitary

Permits for emissions to the atmosphere from stationary sources

Motruk Vladimir
Phone -023 422 064

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremche Sanitary

Approval of land allocation

Motruk Vladimir
Phone -023 422 064

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremche Sanitary

Conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination of existing ob'ktiv

Motruk Vladimir
Phone -023 422 064

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremche Sanitary

Approval of changing the purpose of land

Motruk Vladimir
Phone -023 422 064

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of the State Committee in g.Yaremche

Approval of land allocation

Christina V.

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of the State Committee in g.Yaremche

Approval of changing the purpose of land

Christina V.

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of Culture as the competent authority of the municipality of cultural heritage

Approval of land allocation

Abram'yuk Olga

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15






Territorial control in the field of OSH

Permission to start (continued) The performance of high risk, use of facilities, vehicles, machinery, equipment increased risk

Mazur RB
Phone -



Department of planning and architecture miskvykomu

Approval of changing the purpose of land

I. Telephone -

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of planning and architecture miskvykomu

Approval of land allocation

I. Telephone -

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15




Department of Veterinary Medicine

Permits for activities involving animals


Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of Veterinary Medicine

Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities)

    * The processing of inedible animal products
    * The production and circulation of veterinary drugs
    * The production, mixing and preparing feed additives and feed


Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Department of Veterinary Medicine

Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities) that produce food, controlled veterinary service, and for agribusiness - food markets


Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremchanskiy city Department of Ministry of Ukraine

Permission to start operations

Andrei V.

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15


Yaremchanskiy city Department of Ministry of Ukraine

Registration requirements of the Declaration of fire object zpkonodavstva

Andrei V.

Every Thursday
From 8.00 do17.15

Leisure center is open daily
 (Except weekends Saturday and Sunday and holidays).
Administrator Permit Center -
Mikhalchuk Love Iosifovna
Phone - 023 422 530.


stop service

Executive Committee Yaremchanskoy City Council

1. General information

1.1. Date

      July 5, 2005

1.2. Name, number, date of the preliminary document of the local authority to establish stop service

The decision of the Executive Committee Yaremchanskogo city council of 16. August 2005 № 77 "On approval of a cooperation agreement for the establishment and organization of the Office of registration permits in economic activity"

1.3. Name, number, date of the preliminary document local authority approving the order of local permitting authorities to the receiving entities in the same room

The decision of the Executive Committee Yaremchanskoy City Council from 21.12.2009 № 110

1.4. Name, number, date of the preliminary document on local government approval of the interaction of local licensing authorities, the administrator of the entity and territorial authority specifically authorized on the permit system in economic activity

The decision of the Executive Committee Yaremchanskoy City Council from 21.12.2009 № 110

1.5. Location

City Hall (I floor)

1.6. Mailing address (if available)

78500, g.Yaremcha ul.Svobody, 266

1.7. Telephone, fax, e-mail

(803434) 2-25-30,

 (8003434) 2-30-01 (fax)

 e-mail: Jar_mvk@ukr.net

1.8. Full name administrator (s)

Mikhalchuk Love Iosifovna

1.9. Name, number, date of the preliminary document of the local authority to appoint (laying duties) administrator (s)

Rozporyadzhennyaya mayor of 03.05.2006 № 30-K

1.10. The web page on the Internet (if available)


1.11. Schedule


Application and issuance of permits by local authorities -


1.12. Surname, name, position and telephone number of the person who is responsible for the authorization center and leader of MVK, which is responsible for licensing activity center

Onutchak Vasily -


phone (803 434) 2-22-79

1.13. Population territorial -

                   administrative unit, which established on Leisure center

22.1 thousand


1.14. Number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are registered in the respective administrative-territorial unit, which created Leisure center

403 - legal entities

2407 - individuals

2. Material base

2.1. Availability of rooms: a separate, rented, etc.

Separate premises

2.2. Rooms


2.3. Number of jobs, respectively equipped


2.4. Availability of information stands (match their content with the Law of Ukraine "On licensing in the sphere of economic activity")

Two information booths decorated:

One contains information for businesses to obtain their permits, and the second legislative and regulatory framework that regulates the issuance of permits by local licensing authorities

2.5. Availability of equipment:


2.5.1. PC (pcs)


2.5.2. copier (pcs)


2.5.3. printer (pcs)


2.5.4. scanner (pcs)


2.5.5. telephone (pcs)


2.5.6. phone / fax (pcs)


2.6. Provision of Internet Access and Internet - resources legislative framework Ukraine


2.7. Availability of journal keeping, in which the administrator registers the application and relevant documents submitted by business entities to obtain permits



3. List of local permitting authorities involved in the stop service:

3.1. The total number of participants, including:


3.1.1. Subdivisions Executive Committee, their names

  Department of Architecture and Urban Development

Executive Committee

 Department of Culture municipality, as the authorized body of cultural heritage

3.1.2. The regional offices of central executive bodies, whose representatives participate in the work of the Centre)

Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control in Ivano-Frankivsk region

Derzhhirpromnahlyalu Office in Ivano-Frankivsk region

 (When post offices);

 State Department of Environmental Protection in Ivano-Frankivsk region

 (Only in the choice of sign the land)

3.1.3. Other participants (local authorities permit)

 State Sanitary and Epidemiological Station Yaremche


Department of Veterinary Medicine g.Yaremche

 Yaremche Department Directorate Ministry of Ukraine-Fire

 Department of State Committee Yaremche;


4. Material and financial support


4.1. Sources of funding stop service (state involved), hr.:

Local budget

2006 - 6.7 thousand ..

2007 - 10.1 thousand.

2008 - 7.5 thousand.

2009 - 8.7 thousand.

4.1.1. The total amount of funding that is allocated from the state (local) budget for the current year, USD.

With local budgets -

 5.5 ths ..

4.1.2. Technical assistance to (name of organization that provided technical assistance, technical support staff)

DP "the Center" -

Technical administration of the Register of permits


5. The list of permits issued to stop service (with permitting authorities):

- Permit for placement of outdoor advertising - Department of Architecture and urban municipality;

- Decision on transfer of lease of lands owned or municipal property - Yaremche;

- The decision to sell land ownership komunadnoyi - Yaremche;

- Approval of the allotment of land - a commission to examine issues related to consultation documents on land management land use;

- Permission to start operations in new industries, exploitation of new and refurbished industrial, residential and other facilities, new technologies, transfer of a production of the new fire dangerous vehicles, machinery, equipment and products, rental of any premises - the city Department of Ministry ;

- Sign Declaration on compliance with fire safety requirements of the facility - the city department of MOE;

 - Permission for construction works - Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast;

- A permit for construction - Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast;

- Certificate of completed construction - Inspection of State Architectural and Construction Control in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast;

- Permission to carry out works on the sites of local significance (except for archaeological), their territories and protection zones - Department of Culture Administration;

- Conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination of existing facilities - City sanepidemstantsiya;

- Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities), which produce food under the control of health services - urban sanepidemstantsiya;

- Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities), which introduction into circulation of foodstuffs under the control of health services-City sanepidemstantsiya;

- For permission to start (continued) The performance of high risk, use of facilities, vehicles, machinery, equipment increased risk - management of OSH in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast;

- Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities) for processing non-edible animal products, the production and circulation of veterinary drugs, producing, mixing and preparing feed additives and feed - Department of Veterinary Medicine;

- Operating permit operators to facilities (facilities), which produce food under the control of the veterinary service and for agro-food markets.

6. Stop service problems whose solution depends on:

1. Entrepreneurship (as specially authorized body on the permitting system in economic activity) - No

 2. local governments, no

3. central / local authorities - to develop a unified Regulations (information card) for issuing permits.

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