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Відпочинок у Яремче

0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2011 » Травень » 9 » Path Dovbusha
Path Dovbusha

Probably no holiday that is being visited in the Carpathians wonderful walking tours "Path Dovbusha. This trip begins on a large lawn that is popularly known as "hemp". At the time of "developed socialism " there was a hut in which the barbecue, beer and tomato paste with onions, served on large wooden deck - penky.Teper you will make a large, spacious and a nice cafe that did not change the name. Describes the route map is clear and notable tourist, while the guides can conduct meaningful walk along charming eye areas. Entrance to the Carpathian National Park fee. Symbolic amount paid health, clean. These pictures made ​​on Election Day - 30 September, in a fine autumn day. Maybe you, with all routes of the Carpathians, choose this. It is available to children and adults. The route can be extended at the request of the spine and zhodzhennyam the top rails or top Makovytsya one condition - dry weather, sandwiches with sausage, 100 grams of brother and a couple shokolodok.

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Категорія: All for the tourists of | Переглядів: 667 | Додав: vechervkarpatah | Теги: Path, Dovbusha | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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