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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

Головна » 2010 » Січень » 9 » On Malanku - in Vashkivci!
On Malanku - in Vashkivci!

On Malanku - in Vashkivci!

The winter is a period of carnivals and changing clothes. February rages Brazilian samboy and Нью-орлеанським Mardi Grasom, and here Ukraine does not expect the end of the winter azh, in plenty to have fun under a mask. And although vashkivecka «pereberiya» is yet not so known, as Brazilians are semi bare, it an action with every year collects all more guests in the Bukovina township.

That to celebrations of Malanki and Vasiliy (13 and on January, 14) Bukovina befit with an extraordinary in other regions primer, becomes clearly yet a road in Vashkivci...

Than nearer to Vashkivciv, the a bus rides slower: young people in masks are engaged in the real robin-gudivskim robbery, stopping machines and «fining» drivers for sobriety.

 Чому exactly does vashkivska of Malanka apply on the large monasteries of the main Ukrainian carnival? Former proprietor of township a count Petrino was the admirer of antiquity and converted Vashkivci into Vasiliy in a carnival whirlpool. Every man (women to pereberii are shut out) tried to make such suit, that a count was staggered. Petrino proposed every command of sorted out the barrel of beer, and especially marked the possessor of the best mask...

Not a single Malanka does without the traditional participants of action: a «grandfather» pours each the vodkas, a «baba» sweeps wicked perfumes, a «gipsy» leads on to the chain of «bear». Everybody chooses a vashkiveckiy corner wire from already worldly-wise «Cossack», «Vulana», «Beech-shandarya» and «Malanki». Pereberiya peeps in every obiystya. If what court of malankari was gone round, it is shame for owners. And already however went round, called - hidden!.. Begin to walk in midnight on January, 13, and an action is closed bathing in the river with the giving a hope name Hothouse...

But as malankari obigruyut' the sorest and aktual'nishi subjects of Ukrainian (and not only) life... In 2002 years Ben Laden granted in Vashkivci. On Pereberiyu-2005 on own Area of vashkivchani arranged duty peregolosuvannya, conveied in a cage Yanukovych and Kuchma and zakiduvali of the unique candidate from power by eggs. In 2006 year on streets sultans which cooled off before the Ukrainian beautiful women were noticed. Arrogant Serdyuchka, terrorists in a camouflage, sale judges... A tractor conveied a cage with boxers, long-legged young «ladies» showed a strip show. The main hit of Malanki-2006 was a chicken flu. To ridicule that which distressed and frightened, nakpinitis' in plenty - and to rid of sticky cold fear. Reliable method. Exactly for this purpose people and thought of pereberiyu.

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