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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 11 » In Yaremche exhibition opened in. "paints beautiful natural edges"
In Yaremche exhibition opened in. "paints beautiful natural edges"

In Yaremche exhibition opened in. "paints beautiful natural edges"

The Museum of Environment and эtnohrafyy Karpatskoho edges in G. Yaremche exhibition of works opened in. Ivano - Frankivsk artist Basil Daniluk "paints beautiful natural edges.

Nature and people - here is Key sources of vdohnovenyya for the artist. Lot of works, Individual nahodyatsya of which are in private collectors assembly from Germany, Italy, USA, were born during a creative visits to the limits. But his main appeal more than the total nepovtorymaya beauty, history and natural эtnos Prykarpattia.

As a specialist real - Universal, Vasily Danilyuk owns what tehnykoy yzobrazytelnoho diverse and decorative - applied arts, but more than the total emu ymponyruet painting. Predstavlennыe work at the exhibition will help imagination proof of his creativity.

Museum Address: ul.Svobodы, 269, phone spravok (03434) 2-22-08.

Vasily was born in Daniluk s.Chernyyv that the nearby Ivano - Frankivsk. Yet in early childhood on pochuvstvoval own way opredelyl zhyznennuyu vocation and purpose - to become an artist. Parents umelo repaired and sыna vsyachesky podderzhyvaly ego uvlechenye Drawing. Upon completion of Ivano - Frankivsk hudozhestvennoy school, Vasily ovladevaet profession in Odessa hudozhestvennom School named Mikhail B. Grekov (1976-80 biennium.), And since 1982 uchytsya Quantity LVOVSKII ynstytute applied and decorative arts.

To date, Vasily Danilyuk actively engaged in the activities of the tvorcheskoy, is the Resident participant of regional, regional and mezhdunarodnыh exhibitions - LVOVSKII Autumn Salon "High Castle" 2005, "Zhyvopysnaya Ukraine" in 2006, 2008, 2009, also attended the raznoobraznыh plэnerah 2004.2007, 2009 biennium. in particular, in 2008 - Island of Khortitsa plэner on the project "Karpatskyy spine in Hust.

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