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Головна » 2011 » Квітень » 30 » Honey massage
Honey massage

Honey massage

History and the theory

DATA method - a combination of medical and Actions honey and massage - in pryshel sovremennuyu drevneho Europe from Tibet. Vprochem, and Slavs vedaly at tselytelnoy syle Hence pchelynoho product. In the honey in yzbыtke soderzhatsya substances, blahopryyatno vlyyayuschye on human organism - fytohormonы, acid, fermentы, Founded, etc. Thanks to this life-giving "cocktail" CEI pchelynыy product also эffektyven of Use of the outdoor. For example, yet Our ancestors lechyly furunkulы, or karbunkulы ozhohy medovыmy povyazkamy.

Kachestvennыy honey dolzhen not singing, that mark his yavlyaetsya nezrelosty, development processes brozhenyya, uhudshenyya vkusovыh pytatelnыh and properties. But still stoprotsentnuyu dostovernost origin medals can only identify laboratory-chemistry methods. This is innovation in the field of Medicine and kosmetolohyy acquires all bolshuyu popularity in our country. Dannuyu services anonsyruyut kosmetycheskye salonы Many, though still a favored aware that such a honey and with ego than eat. Rather, In our case - not eat ...

Honey, "otdavaya" Biology vigorous substance, "vpytыvaet" toksynы Thus sposobstvuet and rapid removal of s from ORGANISM. Such a massage yavlyaetsya prekrasnыm peeling, sposobstvuet improve the exchanging substance, place a okazыvaet sohrevayuschee. When dannoy procedures under pressure vozdeystvyem perepadov soderzhymoe zhyrovыh kletok "smeshyvaetsya" with tkanevoy zhydkostyu and vыvodytsya from ORGANISM. What preduprezhdaet otlozhenye and salts, and povыshaet mыshts tone.

Usually honey massage is designed for 1915 Session, provodymыh a day. Very hard to soblyudat pererыvы: not every day, namely through the day!

Massage inspection work for increasing the ottoka lymfы leather. Enhance krovoobraschenyya in a deep sloyah podlezhaschyh mыshtsah sposobstvuet, in turn, improve the power supply of fabrics and internal organs. Rassasыvayutsya podkozhnыe Seal. Leather after application of honey massage omolazhyvaetsya, and is becoming shelkovystoy upruhoy.

Honey razohrevayut to temperature not exceeding 40 C in the Vodyanoi bath. Otherwise Useful substances that are soderzhatsya in it, utratyat tselytelnuyu your strength! Better packaging for storage of honey yavlyayutsya steklyannыe banks varying Capacity, эmalyrovannaya plastmassovaya and iron, the deep zakrыtaya lids

PRACTICE: Effect Suckers

And why would you not doing themselves in poprobovat rolls "corrector" fyhurы? "Polygon" for podobnыh tests could serve as a dear dosyahaemaya (s problemnaya) portion of their own PE - but not the Face! Its worth professyonalam Dover, And you - still bye Newbie.
Honey nanosytsya in Ladonia pohlopыvayuschymy movement of hands and was postponed to massyruemuyu zone. Uhodyt portion mixture, another remains on hand.
If several such zones - kazhdaya massyruetsya to rotate. After that, as the honey completely moved on kozhu, Ladonia krepko "prykleyvayutsya" k telu and sharply otrыvayutsya. Gradually pohlopыvayuschye movement stanovyatsya more than cutting and sylnыmy. Pryzhymayte plotnee hand and their more than otrыvayte sharply!

Like the Honey vbyvaetsya in kozhu. Ladonia dolzhnы bыtchut-bit "zavernutы" and napomynat polulodochky, paltsы - somknutы. Thus do you massage obespechyte Effect suckers - through kozhnыe porы You'll "vыtyahyvat" yznutry vrednыe substances. CEI principle and obespechyvaet ochyschayuschee place a honey massage.

Soon You will notice how the hands begins poyavlyatsya belesaya lypkaya Massa, as they say massazhystы, "slag". Vnachale эta Massa out of the pores on his hands and remains on TV, Then the prylypaet k Ladonia. Vыtyrayte hand towel - and again in Delhi! Running procedures on everybody should sostavlyaet section of 5.10 minutes. At the end prima warm welcome shower, carefully sotryte nezhestkoy mochalkoy remnants of medals and "slag". After omovenyya necessarily fry "otmas-syrovannыe" core uvlazhnyayuschym cream. And if the same You vserez prynyalys fyhurы for modeling, the "razorytes on antytsellyulytnыy proverennoho gel from the producer.


We are pleased boleznenno procedure postponed, especially in its first seansы. Adaptyruetsya leather sweat, and massage is being held ... well, not as clockwork, but still Gorazd pryyatnee. After the massage poten ostavatsya bruises and krovopodteky of some in place. Puhatsya do this, not worth it: they soon bessledno yscheznut. Ostanutsya lysh hladkaya pure leather and Sharing favorable effect.

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