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Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Second Sunday in May.

The origins of Mother's Day has a religious character, since the church calendar month of May is dedicated to the Virgin Mary - the Mother of God. Realizing the tremendous educative and advocacy role of poetry, songs, conscious of his priestly vocation, and national, of the parish, nurtured and put into practice the idea of enlightenment through attracting and encouraging parishioners to choirs, amateur theaters, (which was an integral part of musical performance), societies of "enlightenment" etc. Thus, gradually, in the cultural and artistic life of the Ukrainian community has become the celebration of Mother's Day is a day of gratitude and the Mother of God, and the mother of Ukraine and home mom. For this holiday, celebrated on the second Sunday in May, just preparing for the children (of course, with the help of teachers or priests), creating their own compositions and music. Consequently, small local celebration to have to move on stage, grew to a scale concert. But for a long 50 years, this holiday has been forgotten. Instead it is the celebration of International Women's Day, which, however, not carried in itself the high ideas of spirituality.

In the history of holiday mother, there is also another page - it is associated with the distant year of 1908. It was then in America, a young woman, Anna Jervis offered at the legislative level to enter the Mother's Day. And in 1928 in Canada was to observe the day and the Union of Ukrainian Women Canada, and then from 1929 festival took place in Galicia. And now the most widely honoring mothers on this day takes place in Western Ukraine. But a growing number of people, congratulate their mothers and grandmothers on the International Mother's Day all over our country.

At the legislative level, the celebration of Mother's Day in Ukraine established by Presidential Decree of 10.05.1999 № 489/99 on the second Sunday of May. In this connection, this ancient tradition now takes on new meaning.

          Y K A Z
                         PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE
                         On Mother's Day
     In support of the initiative of the State Committee of Ukraine for
Family and Youth, an international organization "Women's Society, the Union
Women Ukrainian public organization "Union of Ukrainian Women"
Decides and Novikov I hereby:
     Set in the Ukraine, Mother's Day, celebrated annually in
second Sunday in May.
 President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma
 Kiev, 10 May 1999 N 489/99

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