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0977739122 - Любов

Вечер в Карпатах

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Miradzh (Israv miradzh or Al-Rajab Bairam) - Journey and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to the heavenly throne of Allah

Miradzh (Israv miradzh or Al-Rajab Bairam) - Journey and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to the heavenly throne of Allah

Festival to commemorate the miraculous journey of Mohammed from Mecca to Jerusalem (Quds) and his Ascension (miradzh) to the heavenly throne of Allah was one of the most popular stories of Muslim transfers. In the Middle Ages there was much popular literature, which vividly depicted miradzha details. This event occurred 27 Rajab 621, she is celebrated in many Muslim countries, the night of 27 Rajab Muslims carried out without sleep, read Quran, pray and tell the tale about the miraculous ascension of the prophet.

According to legend, Muhammad, asleep at the Meccan Mosque, miraculously instantaneous manner by Archangel on winged horses Dzhabraila Buratsi made a trip to Jerusalem, and then they left there Burak in soprovodi Dzhabraila was seven heavens. The first Adam he opened his "heavenly gate" in the second - he met the prophets Yah'ya and Isa, the third - Joseph, on the fourth - Idris, on the fifth - Harun (Aaron), Musa in the sixth, the seventh is father is sitting in heaven - the patriarch of all the prophets Ibrahim. And when the seventh heaven, Muhammad appeared before the throne of Allah, then talked with him, saying 99 000 words ... Then Mohammed was returned to earth, back to Mecca. On his return, Muhammad was convinced that his bed is not cooled, and with throw of departure in the way a pitcher had not leak water.

In 2006, the feast of al-Israv miradzh falls on August 20-21 (26-27 Rajab).

In 2007, the feast of al-Israv miradzh falls on August 10-11 (26-27 Rajab).

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Категорія: Religious Holidays | Додав: vechervkarpatah (11-01-19)
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